Hyunjin’s Story - 글로벌 기업으로 세상과 소통하는 현진닷컴의 변화와 성장을 지켜봐 주십시오.


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Global Leading
‘Communication’ Solution Company

With 30years of experience in communication & IT, Hyunjin ICT is recognized as small but strong company for communication solution and convergence device.

About Hyunjin
With over 30 years of accumulated experience and proven technologies through various undertaken projects, Hyunjin provide an optimal ICT environment for businesses and government offices to enhance your competitiveness.

Establishment of communication service system and solution provision had been Hyunjin’s growth engines. Our next goal is to keep pace with the rapidly changing ICT industry while expanding our business to overseas market and as a part of an effort, we have launched FIMCA ,a smart IP media phone. To become a world-class communication & IT service provider, we will not stop developing technologies as well as human resources.

Sales revenue (Last 3yrs)

Sales revenue (Last 3yrs) graph

Personnel of Hyunjin (Last 3yrs)

Personnel of Hyunjin (Last 3yrs) graph
